
Tarot Draw for the Winner of the 2024 Presidential Election: Part Two

My close read on both candidates' chances for winning on November 5. With a definitive 'revelation.'

AS I WROTE THE OTHER DAY, only a hybrid entity like Donald Trump (and the force field surrounding him) could illicit an equally radical phenomenon that counterbalances (or counteracts) the MAGA madness. And so here we are, caught between these two humongous waves crashing over the country.

In the above video, I delineate the cards drawn on Friday, October 18 for my paid subscribers. I’m also revealing who will win the election on November 5, according to the cards (and not from my preference or hopes, wishes, spell casts, or periodic [very private] sacrifices of small animals and infants).

A final note: the only Tarot deck I work with is Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck, as illustrated by Frieda Harris. Why? I was trained on the deck by my teacher Wendy Cohen, who had an unnervingly witchy relationship with the cards. Also, the Crowley deck’s gravitas is undeniable. (And my Saturn is in Scorpio.)

Although I will incorporate key cards in the video from the Waite-Smith deck to add a more il…

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